January 25, 2019: Boarding a flight from New York LaGuardia to Chicago as delays start to stack-up on the East Coast. People who arrived early for are given the option to join the early flight. All rush over. February 8, 2019: A street vendor in Brooklyn, New York selling sunglasses, bags, and clothes outside a bodega. About midnight. January 29, 2019: Refrigerator stocked with sushi, fruits, ice coffee, hummus, and seltzer water in preparation for the anticipated extreme-cold weather emergency the next day. January 30, 2019: View from the Hilton during an the weather-emergency. Roads are closed. All residents advised to stay inside as temperatures reach minus thirteen Fahrenheit. February 2 or 3, 2019: People gambling in a service station somewhere along Interstate 65 in Kentucky. The gaming machines operate in a legal gray-area. Slot machines are illegal in Kentucky. A sign tells patrons there are no cash payouts, winnings can only be claimed for fuel or in-store merchandise. January 27, 2019: Senator Kamala Harris, Democrat of California, as seen on MSNBC in a hotel in the Midwest. Harris is announcing her 2020 presidential run against Donald Trump..January 30, 2019: View from the Hilton during an the weather-emergency. Roads are closed. All residents advised to stay inside as temperatures reach minus thirteen Fahrenheit.