A making and taking of space. Walk by the International Center of Photography and feel halfway in. There is nothing worse than being halfway in. Storm is gathering outside and as soon as I get to the city I feel I should leave. Take out my handphone to snap a picture but nothing comes out.

Or it does but it’s blurry bleary in a not good way. Lie to myself if I just had this or that camera then I could make it work. Had I cared enough, I would have had this or that camera. Taken the time to setup a tripod and walked instead. You know. The whole thing. I did not though and do not now.

Terminal. The dead do not care about photography. Photography is only a slick means to lie to ourselves about the dying of every very second. A slippery tool for holding on to a moment we cannot remember as it is happening.

To answer the question one person asked: We can be nostalgic about a concept like a-little-while-ago because we were not there a little while ago. They say meditation is dangerous for those who struggle with anxiety because it puts you more in the anxious body. Every second is a day--a little while ago a year or more. And who is not anxious these days. Images are for finding comrades and telling enemies we are alive, dammit!

No wonder photography has become so popular. It is how we proclaim that we have lived. In an online world, photography is how we take up space. The image as content. The video as content. These words as content. Taking up space. You can imagine where.

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